Friday, April 23, 2010

Random story of the day

Dear whoever is reading,
I am a Skinny girl trapped in a Fat girls body and this is my random story of the day:

Today I posted several inspirational Tweets, Shared Funny nonsense on Facebook, and Gosh who really uses myspace anymore? Unfortunately, I do. I actually feel compelled to check these random cyber addictions just to corroborate if I was important to someone other than my beloved husband and children, and guess what, I am not. Not one person tweeted me, no posted a LOL on my funny nonsense and lastly, myspace is a void that I still check just to use the cyber razor and cut me a little deeper as to see just how pathetic I really am.

Unbelievable how these little insignificant incidents reminds me just how fat I really am. I mean I could have gotten my son into his stroller and took my five year old daughter for a walk around the block, but did I? No.

Jeez, why can't we live in a society where everyone was a chubby chaser? Where fat was the norm and I was the Kim Kardashian of the Chubby Chasing world. Is it really too much to ask?

My duties are calling me from the other room, a wailing two month old ready to eat.

If anyone understands my frustrations, please let me know that I am not alone. Please!

PS I stand corrected, even my beloved husband said, Ummm Okay, when he read this. Not even a damn LOL. Good ghandi what kind of world is this?

Seriously, this is sexy?

I personally think this is?

1 comment:

  1. Well your post made me LOL because I identify with you. I've had those days where you put out your best stuff on the internet (a witty comment, clever response to someone, wonderful advice), only to have the internet echo back at you! It's like, really? no one... not one single person thought that was "cool" enough to comment back? Le sigh.

    But then, you will have a day where everyone will comment back and sometimes, the universe balances itself.

    And also, never fear, even if no one comments, be rest assured they are reading... believe me. ;-)
