Monday, June 4, 2012

Behind words...

The power of words can either make you want to read it or not. It really is that simple; so why is it that writing is a lost form of art? I mean honestly I think that I might have lost my ability to write script or cursive depending who you are and I think my penmanship is dismal at best. Truly I have never believed that our advancement in technology could in fact be holding us back.

With the years of social networking, have we lost our ability to truly socialize amongst others? I know when I walk in my neighborhood and I say good morning depending the time of of day, my neighbors look at me like I am some foreigner? Yes I live in New York but I mean do we really have to so anti-social? I miss the good old days where you saw kids playing and riding their bikes and have squirt gun fights. Where they weren't afraid of drinking water from a water hose and 3DS, Playstation, and Xbox were futuristics anomaly's.

What I regret most as I have grown up was that I never participated in a penpal. Waiting for a letter in the mail from a person across the globe but in the end these things are archaic in many peoples eyes. So what next? Is our society doomed to be so dependent in the technology that it will be our only form of communication or can we still be functional society that knows how to communicate with one another without words behind a screen? Give me your thoughts and opinions.



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